A successful Front-End Developer
I am a front-end developer. Innovative, creative and a proven team player, I possess a Tech Degree in Front End Development and have 2 years building developing and managing websites, applications and programs for various companies. Currently working Softbenz Infosys pvt. Ltd.
Halftone Designs as path shower
Namaste everyone !
Currently I am working as php/laravel developer at Nextmorse Technologies. Before joining to company I did my 3 months internship at halftone Design. Sometime we may know the right path but we are not able start the journey towards it. (more…)
Halftone Designs upgraded my skills
Namaste! I have done intern from Halftone Design. I have thoroughly enjoyed myself here and Halftone Design have also changed my life positively. After interning from Halftone Designs I am working at Access Keys Pvt. Ltd. as a Mid level Front End Developer/Designer directly. I was born and raised in Kathmandu City.
Front end developer journey from Halftone
As a course need of 8th semester of B.sc.csit, I had to do 3 months internship on any domain related to Information Technology. So, since front end web development is pretty hot topics in web development, I choose to do internship as Front end developer and for that I choose Halftone Designs. (more…)
My journey start at HD
My journey start at HD and raju sir fully help me and now a days i can do solve any problem in related design and data base in samsung company. In united sate of America
Proud to be Halftonian !
I have completed my three months internship in front end web development at halftone designs pvt ltd. During intern, i have learned many things about slicing PSD file to html5/css3 and also jquery/js for interactive animation. After the completion of the internship at halftone, i got selected as beginner level and now just promoted to mid level developer in one of multinational company “DesignPac”.
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