All-in-one course suitable for both Newbies and Working Professionals. This is completely a beginner friendly course also. Start programming with JavaScript and reach up to be a Front End Developer or Back End Developer or Full Stack Developer.
Week 1
- Leveling expectations
- Prototype and prototypal inheritance in JS
- OOP in Js
- Callbacks, Promise
- ES6 standards
- Debugging in JS
- DOM Manipulation
- Introduction to React
- Intro to JSX, Virtual DOM, Reconciliation process
- Simple Hello world
- Components and Props concepts
- Assignment
Week 2
- State and Component Lifecycle
- Handling events
- Conditional rendering
- List and keys
- Forms
- Controlled and Uncontrolled components
- Thinking in React
- Break down sample design to various components
- Start with Project
- HOC, Render prop
- type checking with prop types
- Fragments
- refs and DOM
Week 3
- Introduction to Redux & react-redux
- Installation
- Core concepts and basic principles
- Data flow in Redux
- Middleware
- Async flow in Redux
- Code splitting
- Normalization
- API integration in React
- Use stub APIs to get started with API integration
- Introduction to routing
- React router
- Installation
- Basic / Nested routing
- Hooks
- Implementation in Project
Week 4
- Introduction to Node
- Installation of Node
- Server setup in node
- Introduction to Node REPL
- Introduction to Express framework
- Middleware pattern
- Error first callback
- Event Loop
- Use of Babel to transpile code
- Node modules
- Introduction to routing in express
- Nested routing
- Introduction to HTTP Verbs (REST API)
- User authentication using jwt(json web token)
- Logging and debugging
Week 5
- Intro to concepts like CORS and other security best practices
- Introduction to Postgres
- Postgres installation
- Pgclient setup
- Getting hands on basic queries for CRUD operations
- Filter, Join, Grouping, Set operation queries and case scenarios
- Sub query, CTE, Transactions, intro to Indexing and intro to Explain in postgres
- Introduction to Query builder(knex) & ORM(Bookshelf)
Week 6
- ER diagram for the project and building relationship among entities for the project
- Write Migration for the project
- Write Services for the project
- Structuring code in the project
- Write CRUD APIs for an entity from the project
- CRUD APIs for an entity from project
- Use of Postman and Swagger to document APIs
Week 7
- Debugging in Node js application
- Logging in Express
- Introduction to unit testing using chai and mocha
- API integration in React app of the project
- Work to complete the Project and deal with issues
Week 8
- Work to complete the Project and deal with issues